Changes to the ADI Part 3 test
May 30th, 2017 by Linda Edwards
It has been confirmed that the ADI Part 3 test is due to change as from the 2 nd October 2017. The changes will mean that the examiner role playing the part of a pupil will be removed and replaced with an actual student. The examiner will sit in the rear to observe a lesson.
Candidates sitting the test from the 2 nd October will need to plan the route for themselves as opposed to the current test being given step by step directions to relay to a “pupil” portrayed by the examiner and arrange a normal one hour lesson with a student, the student may be either a learner driver or a full licence holder needed instruction to develop their driving skills.
The driving test is changing
May 26th, 2017 by Linda Edwards

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has confirmed that the driving test in England, Scotland and Wales will change from Monday 4th December 2017.
The changes are to include the independent driving part to increase to 20 minutes, during this time candidates will need to be able to drive without step by step directions from the examiner, the use of a sat nav may be used instead to direct candidates.
The examiner will provide and set up the sat nav so candidates are not expected to do this and you may not bring your own to the test, you must use the one provided and follow the examiners sat nav.